Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trangender Goals Update

Only a few days into the new year and I'm making HUGE strides in my promises to myself...

Phasing out non-TG friendly companies put a bit of a strain on the wallet, but it has allowed me to regain my sense of self... and has also allowed me to have a whole new outlook on my life.

I'm now finding it SO much easier to simplify (probably because I'm a lot less stressed out). I'm also much more relaxed (more that I've allowed myself to be in the past six years) and don't stress out (as much) over the things that I have no control over.

The things that I DO have control over -- mainly becoming who I really want to be -- are also being taken to new heights:
  • +1 is now F3: As I haven't done +1 every day and I'm looking to simplify, I've decided that I'm going to make 3 steps each day towards totally feminizing myself. Some are major +1 bold moves, some are less bold steps. The less bold steps include things like body toning, hair removal and "other girlie things" that I can do to make myself feel feminine (I won't go into details... but some of them have been VERY... Mmm!). Whatever it is, I'm going to become more feminine with each day.
  • Ala-fem is Ala smooth: As painful as it sometimes is... and as much of a pain in the ass as it is... I'm going full out on the laser hair removal (hoping to look androgynous before summer).  This means being brave enough to handle the forearms too (not an easy feat for an Italian!). It's been about a year and a half so far... and I'll be SO happy to see myself in the mirror not looking so "male". This is a BIG step, as previous treatments have left some areas "spotty" with hair... something which will be VERY obvious (and very creepy looking) come tee shirt time if all does not go well! Wish me luck! It would SO suck if I had to wear long sleeves all summer long!
Side note: Between my heightened confidence and being able to wear more concealing (albeit very feminine)  winter clothing, doing the "other girlie things" are so much easier -- and SO much more fun -- this winter than ever before! :) :) ;) :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes I konw and agree.. a woman MUST be smooth. I personnally use green wax for intimate and sugaring for other parts... Need to visit my esthetician almost 1 time every month to be perfectly totally smooth
    So I feel girly and feminine


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