Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trangender Update: Coming out to family, Employment & Self-esteem

Sorry it's been so long since the last update...

Truth is... it's been hell and...  
A: I don't like to whine... and  
B: I've had NO motivation to post ANYTHING on social media lately...
but I'm finally trying to make Lemons from Lemonade again.

Lemon: The schooling thing was a big waste of time and a LOT of money... It was the professor's 3rd job and he spent most nights sleeping through the class (or texting) when he should have been teaching us. Come to find out, this is the third time that he taught this class and not one of his students was ever certified.

Lemonade: At least it got me out of my funk... sort of.

Lemon: Coming out to my sister was a big waste of time as she finally made it clear that she doesn't want to accept me as a sister... but will humor me if need be to keep me in her life (as I will most likely be her only remaining family member left in the near future...).

Lemonade: That (and the ridiculous and hateful family dramas that has been going on lately) has made my decision to move away that much easier...

Lemon: The new job SUCKS and gets worse every week...
One of the main reasons why I decided to work for this company is that it was "supposedly" one of the most transgender friendly companies in the country... yet I've run into so many situations of co-workers calling me "faggot" and other demeaning comments...
Also... me being me... giving 100%... I'm once again doing not only my work, but also being asked to do the work of all of my fellow employees as well... Yes. we all get paid the same... but I get stuck with most of the workload... once again...

Lemonade: The job sucks and if I do leave there, I don't plan in keeping in touch with anyone there anymore... so I've been using that to my advantage.
As I usually work by myself, I've been practicing my feminine walk and mannerisms while I work. Truth be known, it's now become my new "normal mode" and I find myself having to try to act masculine when around others! 

Moving On: There are SO many other negative things that I could list (that have happened since the last post) that I won't go into...
As I said before... I've been through hell... but now it's time to move on.

I decided to go back on HRT... I'm not waiting until I move and/or until things get better before I go "Full-fem". Being feminine and being my true self is the one and only thing that gives me any sense of joy anymore... and I'm not going to deny myself of that.
Life is too short and I'm not waiting any longer.

I realize that I'm bringing on more drama and more pain... but after loosing so much... it's time to trust in the only things that I know are real... the way I truly feel... and who I've always wanted to be.

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