Saturday, August 26, 2017

Transgender Reality - You Are NOT the Black Sheep

I remember being 5 years old and having my farther say that a cousin of mine was a "negative example".

The way he talked about her was SO repulsive to me and offended me. Just because she spoke her mind, wasn't obsessed with becoming the richest person on the planet, and didn't "conform to the societal norm", that didn't make it right for him to degrade her and constantly belittle her.

Apparently, he was not alone in his prejudiced beliefs. I spent most of my life being ridiculed by him and other family members because I was honest about my feelings and I also decided to opt for employment where I chose morality over money.

I spent my life as the family joke, sometimes directly... but VERY OFTEN behind my back. (Yes... For those of you in my family who are guilty of this and stumble upon this post... I'm not an idiot and did find out what was said AFTER I'd leave your house. It hurt my deeply and made me dread every holiday and/or family event.)

The older I became, the more I'd realize that 95% of what was said, by those who degraded me, was bullshit. They actually made up MANY stories to make themselves look like heroes when they, or their children, failed miserably. (Again, I'm not an idiot... Eventually the real truth comes out).

I actually turned out (in my opinion) to be the best person in my family. Even though I'm not as rich as most of them... and my house isn't as nice as theirs... I'm the most caring and the most real person that I have EVER met... (Despite how F'd up as my life has been, with higher mountains to climb than most and WITHOUT all of the employment handouts that they received).

I am NOT a piece of shit.

I am stronger than they ever were or will ever be.

I am more honest than they ever were or will ever be.

I am FAR more real than they ever were or will ever be.

I may never be as rich as they are... I don't want to be.
Despite my pain, I'm glad I'm me... and NOT them.

Be you... Be happy...
LOVE who you are...

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