Thursday, February 11, 2016

Transgender Transformations - Manscaping is OK

I know that in some places, “manscaping” is accepted… I but never would have thought how widely accepted it really is.

I was a bit paranoid last summer when, after “over-tweezing”, I went to a barbecue in my overly-conservative hometown... and old friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time... stopped in.

This guy is the total “manly-man”... an ex-cop, hunter, etc, and very vocal about conservative values. I thought for sure he'd ridicule my new look... or at the very least… give me the cold shoulder. Much to my surprise, he didn’t say a word and was happy that I was there.

Then came the real shock! At some point, a young, shallow, and obviously homophobic POS acquaintance said something degrading about manscaping (as an obvious slur on my new look). He was hoping that our friend would run with it… and lay into me with insults.

Much to his surprise… and mine as well… our old friend stated that HE had been cutting and plucking (manscaping) his eyebrows for years.

The moral of the story is: I finally realized that I shouldn’t be so paranoid about taming down my overly male attributes. Many, if not most of the men in America, have done it at some point themselves.

Be you, Be Happy,

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