Saturday, October 17, 2015

Something Special - Transgender Issues and Acceptance

Nothing special about the look… I’m just wearing an old, unflattering outfit (bodysuit, tights, a plain skirt and an old fleece jacket) with no makeup.

What is special is the way I felt…

After a very long, hard day, I decided to slip into something a bit more feminine, go outside and TRY to unwind.

As I sat outside in the crisp fall air, for the first time in a long time, I felt so relaxed and so at peace. I know I’m not the prettiest girl… but in that moment… I felt like I was. Despite the hardships of the past and those that lie ahead… I was so glad to be me and THAT was something special. 

Side note: The clarity also allowed me to look back on recent hardships and look forward on upcoming challenges.  I'm realizing once again that hard challenges are made even harder when I force myself to not be myself. When I find the need to play the male role around co-workers, family and friends, I easily become frustrated and make bad decisions. This is starting to create new problems for me as well.

I need to expedite my plans for dropping all of the unwanted, falsely boyish things from my life... and get rid of the situations and people in my life that I feel are forcing me to comply with their ideals.

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