Friday, September 18, 2015

Transgender Roads

The past week has graced me with amazing piece-of-mind. I now refuse to stress out about what other people do... and don't do... I now refuse to stress out about what I can't accomplish... I'm just taking life on step at a time and focusing on MY happiness for once.

These are HUGE steps for me, because I've always been "Type A"... but by refusing stress and embracing my new philosophy, I'm finally empowered to be the REAL me.

A nice side effect happened a few nights ago. I decided to celebrate the coming fall by dressing in something that I NEVER would have worn outside a month ago (the left picture).

Yes the homophobic neighbor was creeping again, but I didn't let it phase me. I just sat looking at the stars enjoying my wine.
By 4 AM, I was feeling so empowered and so much braver that I traded the long skirt for a leather mini (the right picture) and went for a walk around the neighborhood... just because I wanted to.

In the days since, I've been going out in VERY feminine fashions... both day and night... without too much thought of what others may say.

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