Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Update on the Update of "Coming Out as a Transgender"

Um yeah...
I'm now convinced that over-tweezing thing gave it away... Nothing was said directly but EVERYONE has been acting totally different towards me lately.

All of the women I know (even family members) have been VERY cool, and have even been making me feel like one of the girls. It's such and amazing and freeing feeling.

The guys... well... nothing has been said but... the guys in my family now have that stupid smirk on their face when they talk to me. You know the one. The smirk that tells you that, the second I walk out the door, they are ALL going to be joking about how their brother is now becoming their sister. 

I thought that I would be hurt by being the brunt of their private jokes, but, although the smirks make me uncomfortable, the thought of them joking about me behind my back is now a welcoming thought. 

OK... Let me break that one down...  I welcome it because I now feel free to be myself, make a GRADUAL transition into womanhood without having to "come out" and no longer need to feel paranoid about the ramifications of how my feminine changes will effect my life... 

I'm so much happier and relaxed now that I can drop the macho crap and just be one of the girls.


Side note: When you tweeze or wax, it comes back. It's not that obvious when you are freshly tweezed, but when the little nubs start popping back to the surface, it's pretty obvious that you "manscape".

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Going out in Drag -- Growth from Ignorance

As I’m transgender, I don’t consider going out in “Full Girlie Mode” to be drag. It’s just going out as who I really am. That being said, if you read the first post, you probably can figure out that my neighbors, friends and relatives would consider a genetic male dressed up as a woman to be something to joke about… so I rarely do it.

Last Friday, when I got home from work, I put on my make-up and dressed up in a really cute dress. When I looked in the mirror I really liked the way I looked! “Screw it! I’m going to that Transgender Night that I saw advertised online!”

The bar was inside Peabody Marriott. I eventually found the hotel, arriving around 11 PM. There was no signage for a bar and the parking lot was somewhat empty. It was advertised as being from 8:30 PM to 2 AM, so the event had to be going on somewhere inside the building!

I walked around the building in vane, trying to find the entrance for the bar. There was none that I could find. I didn’t want to go into the lobby as there were guests checking in, so I wound up calling the hotel (asking for the bar) from my cell phone.

I was told, “We close the bar early on nights where it’s dead”. REALLY? You advertise a specific event at specific times, and people are driving 30 to 50 miles out of their way to get there…

The man on the other end of the line offered no apologies and no legitimate explanations. What should have been a wonderful evening was destroyed… not by the fact that the bar closed early, but by the lack of professionalism and/or compassion by whoever answered the phone inside the bar.

Their loss. I was going stay at the Peabody Marriott in 2 weeks for the First Night event, but out of principle, I refuse to spend any of my money in that hotel!

The one good thing that came from that night was that I finally got the nerve to leave my house dressed-up exactly as I wanted to… without it being for a Halloween party and without caring about the neighbor’s reactions… and have every day since.

Update on "Coming out as Transgender"

Well I may have stepped up the transformation a bit too quick… I went a bit overboard with the tweezing, to the point that my brother’s wife and some others made it known to me that they noticed the change… (Nothing mean).

I’m not sure if they are making homophobic jokes behind my back but I really don’t care at this point. I absolutely LOVE seeing the new me in the mirror and that’s all that matters!

If you compare the Flickr pictures (, you can see the difference. I thought it was subtle, but I guess not subtle enough.