Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Not So Merry Christmas for This Transgender

On Christmas Eve I was handed a notice saying that my employer (from my second job) was going to replace me (I'm getting laid off) because they need full time employees.

I was informed by my co-workers that the real reasons were that, by being vocal in standing up for the rights of the residents of the nursing home and my fellow employees... I didn't "fit their new corporate-mold", and that, even though they know that laying me off will be detrimental to the overall happiness of the residents, the new managers care only care about their corporate goals and how they look to the owners.

Not only was I pissed off, I couldn't even talk to anyone about it because I didn't want to ruin anyone's holiday with my bad news. That being said, I also opted to stay home alone for the holidays because it was too hard for me to fake a smile after that.

Now that I look back on it, I wouldn't want to work for ANYONE that is cruel enough to fire someone on Christmas Eve and/or would make so many people miserable just to advance in their own careers anyways.

Coming out to Ma was also ignored (see November 22, 2015 blog). I got the standard boy stuff (she left a package at my brother's house... she didn't even make an effort to stop by my house to drop it off herself).

Although that scenario sucked, I was more sad over the fact that there was STILL no birthday present from her. You see... she called one night, ranting about how much she spent on my brother and sister on their birthday presents. The problem is... she NEVER gave ME a birthday present this year (3rd time in 5 years with no present from her)... and my birthday was several month ago! If you don't get me a present... that's OK... but don't throw it in my face by whining about how much you spent on my siblings!

I guess my best Christmas present out of all this "lack of Christmas" is realizing that I've always cared more about making others happy than I cared about making myself happy... I always put my priorities last. I finally have to accept the fact that I need to prioritize my needs and happiness before those who are detrimental to me and/or others.

I'm sorry if this sounds like whining... I just thought it's important to post the bad as well as the good...