Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Transgenders Showing Photos to Friends

As my make-overs and pictures get better, I've been tempted to show them off to current friends or family... I've posted them here and on Flickr... so why am I still so hesitant to get feedback from those closest to me?

If you asked me that a year ago, I would have said that it's because most of them are still ignorant to what a transgender is and a lot of them are homophobic as well...

Also, although I love my friends and family, I do not like the way they sometimes categorize people and make degrading comments out of ignorance and/or fear of the unknown.

Even if they fain support, I'd be the object of ridicule once I left and slowly be "phased out" of gatherings with family and friends.

At this point, none of that matters to me. I love who I am and if they can't accept me as I am, it's their loss... but considering how difficult everything else is right now in my life, I just don't need the added drama that showing my photos to them would bring.

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Transgender Test - Differences Between Transvestites and Transgenders

While most transvestites can dress up and then go right back to male mode, most transgenders find that very hard... even painful at times. It's not about wearing the girl clothes for us... it's about allowing ourselves to be who we are and allowing ourselves to be feminine.

I can't remember the last time that I was able to go to sleep at night without wearing something that was feminine. Even if I have to still fake the guy role at times during the day... from the moment I get home, til the moment I have to go back into "tom-boy mode", I need to allow myself to be who I really am. 

The other reason for my sleep-time "addiction" is... When you go to bed feeling pretty... You wake up feeling pretty...

Side note: Although I own  hundreds of feminine outfits and dozens of sexier nighties, I posted these because they are a few of my favorites to sleep in. 

Again... it's not about the clothes... it's about feeling feminine.