Monday, October 28, 2013

Make-overs... Maybe it's time to talk to a professional?

I've never gone for a professional make-over... it's all trail and error with me.
That being said... I think I stumbled upon a pretty good look here!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lost a bit of weight -- and a bit of my sanity -- over the summer, but still keep trying to overcome the everyday hassles, and trying to find a more transgender friendly job and location (any suggestions?).

Massachusetts Transgender Summer Blues

Well… It’s been a long hard summer…Working 80 hours a week doesn’t leave much time for posting or anything else.

Also, while trying to enjoy what little free time I had, a neighboring family was constantly trying to make my life a living Hell with various forms of harassment, which I won't go into. I've gone out of my way to be "neighborly" to them, yet their favorite hobby seems to be trying to make my home life miserable. (They NEVER go out and don't have any friends... so I guess that's why they they obsess so much on causing conflict with their neighbors). I'm NOT the type of person to let things like that slide, but no matter what I do, they just get keep getting worse.

The irony is: The husband, who tries to be anything BUT a friend in real life, is also one of the guys that has been constantly trying to "friend me" on URNA and Flickr. (Side note: He doesn't have a clue that I'm the same girl that he is trying so hard to contact online!)

I sometimes wish I could be an Ahole...and send the wife an email letting her know that her "perfect husband" is trying to pick up Transgenders online... then hopefully they would get divorced and move out...