Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trans-gender Photos Dilemmas

To Post or Not:
Throughout the years, I have taken photos of myself so I could gauge the changes in my makeovers and more recently, my transition. I recently posted a few of them online as a showing of solidarity... and I’ll admit… a bit out of pride for how I thought I looked in them.

As much as I appreciated being "added as a favorite" on flicker and some of the nice comments, I quickly felt bad about posting them and took them down.  The reasoning may seem weird to some, but maybe others may relate...

I have, for years, always kept my favorite pictures with me throughout the day. If I get too depressed (or too stressed), I’d look at them and cheer myself up. After I began posting my favorite pictures, that all changed. I began to feel more stressed than rejuvenated when I'd look at the photos. I kept thinking about how many times they were reposted on the Internet, who may be “getting off on them” and/or if anyone I know would recognize me. I’m sure that may have happened to a few of you out there! That being said, I removed some and the others are now “friends only”.

It really got me wondering though, about if other TGs fear that their pictures may come back to haunt them after the transition (i.e, a prospective employer looking online before they hire you).

Another Dilemma:
I'm SO tempted to show a few of the pictures on my cell phone (the favorite pics that mentioned above) to friends who don't yet know about the real me... I'd REALLY like to show them how good they came out and get their opinion on them , but don't want to freak them out!

I guess I'm also hoping that if showed them a picture of "the real me" BEFORE I actually have "the talk" with them, it may some how lessen the blow?

Lately, I've been trying to drop hints and/or open vague conversations about transgenders to some friends and some family members to try and gauge what their reaction would be... Hopefully, I will find a few of them who I will feel comfortable to come out to.

This is an very exciting but very scary part of my life and it would be so much easier if I knew there are some people in my immediate circle who are willing to accept me as I am and encourage me along the way.


Trans-gender About Going Out

I have been doing a lot of thought lately to going out dressed in "full girlie mode" and started looking at TG friendly clubs. It's a safer alternative for now.

I got a lot of good tips on where to go and worked out the logistics of getting dolled up and going out without the neighbors starting rumors (yeah I still have that fear).

It finally dawned on me, however, that it's not that I want to go out clubbing as a woman... I just want to be able to go out anywhere I want in full girlie mode (shopping, the park... anywhere and everywhere). Although I wouldn't mind going to a TG friendly club, I want to be able to go to ANY club... or anywhere... knowing that I'm dressed and looking my best.

I guess I need to get over my fears and concerns about what other people may think. I know who I am... like who I am... and I need to accept that if other people have a problem with that... that it's their problem and not mine.


Tomboy Tomgirl

OK... I always found dress codes unfair.
  • Why is it that when girls wear guys clothes it's OK (they are just dressing as tomboys) but when guys wear women's clothes in public, it's taboo, laughed at and ridiculed?
  • Why can women wear a skirt to work, but guys can't even wear shorts?
I love heels. I have always felt more confident when I wear them. I really want to be able to wear them to work but it's not only against the dress code for guys to wear heels, it also would get me fired for "being a freak".

So unfair!